
Tasks of Agricultural Holdings Accountancy Department:

  • organisation of accountancy data collection,
  • collection of data from Accountancy offices,
  • creating a computer database based on farm data obtained from Accountancy Offices,
  • annual transfer of individual reports of agricultural holdings to the European Commission from a statistically representative sample of farms.

Agricultural Holdings Accountancy Department tasks are completed by six sections:


1. Methodology and Training Section

  • cooperates with the European Commission,
  • ensures methodological compliance of Polish FADN with European FADN,
  • is responsible for deadlines for transmission of accountancy data files to the European Commission,
  • organises the training programme for different groups of system participants,
    participates in providing trainings,
  • provides substantive oversight of the creation and modification of programs and applications used in the system.

2. Data Collection Section

  • prepares and delivers to the European Commission, accepted by National Committee, selection plan of representative agricultural holdings, two months before the successive accounting year,
  • submits to the Central Statistical Office selection plan of representative agricultural holdings accepted by the European Commission in order to prepare the list of farms, where farm data will be gathered,
  • contracts Accountancy offices to obtain farms to survey as well as to deliver their individual farm data sets according to the fixed format. The contracts between Institute and Accountancy Office are signed on a yearly basis,
  • supervises and controls the implementation of tasks under a contract with the Accountancy Office and compliance with other applicable procedures in the system,
  • coordinates the co-operation between Liaison Agency and Accountancy Offices,
    organises training and workshops for Accountancy office employees.

3. Database Management Section

  • collects data delivered by Accountancy Offices,
  • co-operates with Data Collection Section on verification of collected data,
  • ensures the integrity of data stored in the database,
  • assures confidentiality of collected data by:
    • – database access restrictions,
    • – unauthorized data modifications protection,
    • – protection from data loss.
  • prepares and delivers to the European Commission the Farm Returns,
  • prepares comparison reports according to orders from farmers conveyed by Data Collection Section,
  • provides technical support in the creation and modification of IT infrastructure,
    participates in training on the usage of applications.

4. Analysis and publication of the results Section

  • participates in the statistical verification of the quality of accounting data from particular farms,
  • perform econometric calculations and statistical statements based on data from the farms covered by the research,
  • compiles reports containing „Standard Results” (level I and level II),
  • compiles and publishes in the Institute publications and economic analyses based on accountancy data from farms covered by the research,
  • compiles reports for decision-making centers used for the assessment and creation of agricultural policy,
  • prepares simulation analyses concerning the impact of changes in the agricultural policy instruments on the results of agricultural holdings.

5. Multimedia Communication Section

  • administrates and updates the website www.fadn.pl,
  • prepares information and materials for the website,
  • coordinates information exchange about Polish FADN with agricultural advisory centres,
  • cooperates with IT department and external companies,
  • compiles and implements new functionality of the Polish FADN website and e-learning,
  • manages e-learning Polish FADN platform and courses,
  • designs the visual identification, publications, promotional and training kits for farmers, accountants and other persons,
  • disseminates the results and studies carried out by Polish FADN according to current press law and copyright law,
  • archives photo documentation concerning the Liaison Agency activity.

6. Typology for Agricultural Holdings Section

  • monitors European Union’s and national legislation within Community Typology for Agricultural Holdings,
  • assures the methodological correspondence with EU standards within Community Typology for Agricultural Holdings,
  • co-operates on regular basis with Central Statistical Office, European Commission and Eurostat,
  • is responsible for calculation, updating and transmission of the regional classification coefficients for Poland to the European Commission,
  • assures substantial support in building and modification of applications for farm typology purposes in Poland according to EU rules,
  • participates in training for farmers and accountancy office employees.