On the 25th of November 2015 at the Agriculture Accounting Department of IAFE-NRI a delegation of 6 representatives from the National Statistical Office of Moldova accompanied by 3 employees of Agricultural Department of Central Statistical Office (CSO) in Poland were hosted. A key topic of the meeting was the typology of agricultural holdings according to the EU standards, with particular reference to the rules on calculation and transmission of classification coefficients – Standard Output (SO). This issue is one of the subjects of close long-term co-operation between the IAFE-NRI and CSO. In addition, the guests became acquainted with the functioning of Polish FADN on the level of Liaison Agency.
Employees from the Agriculture Accounting Department presented the participants the scope of previous co-operation between Poland and Moldova in the framework of FADN. They illustrated the structure of co-operation between different institutions and their role on the way to the implementation of particular tasks concerning the typology of agricultural holdings according to EU standards. Moreover, they provided information on the breakdown of Polish territory into FADN regions, methodology and procedures on the calculation of SO coefficients and principles on classification of the holdings in accordance with EU guidelines. Participants of the meeting also exchanged the experiences regarding the type and methods of data collection in both countries for the purposes of SO calculations.