On the 9-13 September 2019 in the Agricultural Accountancy department of IAFE-NRI, a study visit of a delegation from Macedonia took place as part of the Twinning Project to support candidate countries for EU membership.
The delegates spent the first two days visiting the Mazowiecki Agricultural Advisory Center in Warsaw and farms of various types of production: horticulture, dairying, pig farming and organic production, where issues of cooperation advisors with farmers as well as data collection, data quality check and data recording within FADN were covered.
The next days delegates spent at the Institute, where the employees of the Institute and of the Agricultural Accountancy Department, as well as guests from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Statistics Poland and European Commission presented the structure and organization of the Polish FADN, typology and farm selection plan, use and presentation of accountancy data, funding and support dedicated to agriculture in Poland, as well as the use of data at the level of European Commission.