Study Tour to Germany

From 20 to 25 of May 2013 Study Tour of Polish FADN to Germany took place. The Study Tour was attended by a representative of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, employees of Agricultural Advisory Centres involved in the works of Polish FADN and representatives of the Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics – National Research Institute, which acts as Liaison Agency for FADN in Poland.


The main objective of the Study Tour was to familiarise with the functioning and organisation of the FADN in a Member State where agricultural income is subject to taxation. Moreover, attendees of the study tour acquired knowledge about the German agricultural tax system.


One of the Study Tour meetings was held by the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection in Berlin (BMLEV). The BMLEV coordinates the survey on “Network of Test Farms” (from German Testbetriebsnetz) which constitutes the basis for computing German FADN results. The study tour participants also learnt about organisation of FADN survey in two States: Brandenburg and Lower Saxony. Furthermore, while paying a visit to the von Thünen Institute in Braunschweig – acting as Liaison Agency for FADN in Germany – attendees of the study tour learnt how FADN data can be used to evaluate agricultural policy measures by the use of mathematical modelling. Afterwards, organisation of tax advisory service, Agricultural Chambers as well as IT companies supporting FADN in Germany was presented to participants of the Study Tour. The Study Tour was also an opportunity to visit farms and food industry companies managed by farmers.