22. Polish FADN workshop and the 20th anniversary of the Polish FADN

On the 5th September 2024, 22. Polish FADN national organizational and training workshop combined with the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Polish FADN took place. The workshop was organized by the Polish FADN Liaison Agency and was held at the Holiday Park Hotel in Warsaw. The workshop was attended by representatives of the 16 Agricultural Advisory Centres, the management and employees of the Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics – NRI (IAFE-NRI) and invited guests from the European Commission, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, The Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture (ARMA), Statistics Poland, farmers and representatives of institutions cooperating with the Polish FADN.  The presented papers cover various issues related to practical aspects of the functioning of the Polish FADN and the Polish FSDN in the future.

This year’s workshop had a special character due to the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Polish FADN. The conference wrapped up 20 years of operation of The Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) Moreover, a discussion panel on the future of FADN and FSDN from the perspective of a farmer to the European Commission was held. The history of the Polish FADN was also mentioned and the role and merits of the leader of the late PhD Lech Goraj in particular his activities in creating and developing the FADN in Poland were emphasized. The panel was followed by ceremonial unveiling of a plaque commemorating the late PhD Lech Goraj. The plaque was ultimately placed in the conference room of the Polish FADN in its headquarters. During the workshop, gratitude was expressed to the co-creators and stakeholders of the Polish FADN and special thanks to the people, who funded the above-mentioned commemorative plaque (cast in bronze).